Sunday, October 31, 2004

A Little Post

As I have been riding around and whatnot, I have noticed a trend of sorts. On the backs of peoples' cars, there are these ribbon things on their tailgates. Most say "Support or Troops" or "American Pride" or things like that. Wow...nothing says your pride in America than buying these things and sticking them on your vehicle. Actually, this is pretty much All American when you think about...buying whatever crap someone produces.

My wife was actually thinking of getting one of these things and putting it on our car. The company says that they don't mark or damage your car in any way. OK...sure they don't. What I have also seen in my travels are very clear ribbon shapes on tailgates that do not currently have ribbons on them. Hmmm....I wonder where they could have come from?

If the American people want to show they support the troops or breast cancer awareness or show their American pride, there are many other more effective ways of doing it. Donate money to a cause, send letters to our troops, donate your time, etc. It really isn't that hard when you think about it.

Now, onto another topic that burns me up. I just saw a story on TV about voting and whatnot and I heard the statement that gets my blood boiling, although I have heard it many other places as well.

"I don't have the time to vote. I am too busy."

Excuse me? You don't have time to vote? You are too busy? Who the fuck do you think you are you lazy pathetic worthless waste of flesh? Everyone is busy fuckwad, but guess what...they still take that little bit of time to vote for the people that affect their lives. The lady in the story said "I live paycheck to paycheck and I just don't have the time to go vote." Heres a thought for you. Maybe you live paycheck to paycheck because you and 2-5 million other lazy fuckers DON'T FUCKING VOTE!!! The decisions that the people who DO vote screwed you in some way, and now you are suffering the effects. Give me a break people.

And I have heard that "It is too hard to register. If they made it easier, I would." This was said by someone I know pretty well, and thought they were intelligent. I just looked at them with disgust. "How much easier do you want it to be? You walk out your door and almost trip over someone trying to register you. You can register online. You can register when you get your license. Give me a fucking break." The simple fact is don't want the responsibility of picking your leaders. You know what...that is fine. However, in America, we pick our leaders, so obviously you don't want that option. So leave. Go to a country where they don't get that choice or responsibility. I bet if you look up someone in that country, they would be willing to switch places with you. Go your civic duty. Make OUR country stronger.

And while you're at one of them little ribbon magnets for the back of your vehicle. I have the perfect message for it.

"I'm too fucking lazy to give a shit. Leave me alone"

Monday, October 25, 2004

Nothing really to say

I know I havent posted in a while, and really there is no excuse. I just havent had all that much to say.

The debates are over, Kerry won all three, and the campaigns are in their final stretches. There is more mud being thrown around than you would see on the playground at a day care after it rained. This really is good for Democracy, but it is the way our system is built. Shit is more importnat than substance. Oh well.

Red Sox are actually in the World Series, and are actually looking pretty good there against the cards. Nothing really to say about that except the Red Sox are in the Series...WOW.

Bargain rules. Sorry, personal joke.

Jon Stewart kicked ass on Crossfire the other day. We need more people that look at stuff the way he does.

Getting closer and closer to Christmas. Yea...peachy. I work retail, so I can only hope you understand that last statement.

There is a really scary and disturbing link on a blog I go to called Convoluted Insanity. It is in my links section. It is the one about Bush on his page. You should really check it out. Very disturbing to say the least.

Thats all for now. Be back later. Just dont know when.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Making Emotional Deposits

I know. The title of this post sounds a little funny. I agree, but the thoughts behind it are pretty good I think. I was watching a program on TV that I like to watch every Sunday night, and the guy on there was talking about this exact topic. I'll try to explain it as best as I can to see if it makes sense to anyone else but me.

I have been called a few things over my life and accused of doing things that I knew I wasn't doing. The things I said were looked upon as having meanings that I hadn't intended, or ulterior motives. This actually happened again recently, which was detailed in a friend's blog.

I try to be a nice person in all my dealings with people. I try to be pleasant and friendly, and actually take an interest in the people around me. When I go into a store, I'll ask the cashier "How are you today?". When I see the mail man, I'll tell him "Thanks. I appreciate it." I do stuff like that all the time. It has become second nature to me, and I automatically do it without even thinking about it.

Until tonight, I just did it without thinking. But now I know what it is I am doing. I am "Making Emotional Deposits" in people's lives. It boils down to being a giver more than you are a taker. If you ask someone to do something, based on the "balance" you have in that person's "account", will affect how they react to you. Even if you don't expect someone to do something, you might need help with something, or some support one day, and because you took the extra time to make a connection with a person, they may be there for you.

The guy tonight used this example. When he goes to a restaurant with his wife that he has been to before, he will ask the valet how they are doing or if its been busy or what not. Things that don't take any longer that 10-15 seconds. But he makes a personal connection with the guy parking his car. Because of this, when they come out to leave, the valets will get their car quicker or even in front of other, more disconnected people. He doesn't expect them to do this, but they do it because he has made an "emotional deposit" in their accounts.

You make emotional deposits in people by not criticizing them all the time. Even if you have criticism to give to someone, start off with positive thoughts first. By doing this, you build up your "emotional account" with them, and they will accept the criticism better. If you ask an employee to do something, but they don't do it exactly the way you wanted or expected, don't immediately criticize. Tell them, "Hey that looks good. I can see you really worked hard on that, and it shows. What if, instead of putting these here though, we put them over here? That way it will balance out better. What do you think?" You build up your "account" with them first by complementing them, and because you aren't trying to make a "withdrawal" from an empty account, they will drop their defenses and accept the criticism better.

I do this all the time. I take an interest in the people around me. I ask them if I can help them with what they are doing. I offer my assistance. I ask them how they are doing. I give people compliments. I offer support or help to those around me that seem like they need it. I do all of this to brighten their day by building them up; by making them feel good about themselves. I do it because I want to help people and give them the chance to go further in what they are doing. I make emotional deposits in their accounts. The world would be a much better place if more people did this I think.

I hope all of that makes sense. Anybody have any thoughts on this topic? Did it sound right or should I clarify more? Feel free to discuss.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Update on those 9-11 Coins

Here is a story I found online about those eerie 9-11 coins. All I have to say is...took em long enough.

Court halts sale of September 11 coins

Oct. 13, 2004 ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer on Wednesday obtained a court order to temporarily suspend the sale of commemorative Sept. 11 coins heavily advertised as being minted from silver recovered at ground zero.

Spitzer said the sale of the silver dollars emblazoned with the World Trade Center towers on one side and the planned Freedom Tower on the flip side is a fraud and he's investigating the claim the silver came from the ruins of the twin towers.

"It is a shameless attempt to profit from a national tragedy," Spitzer said. "This product has been promoted with claims that are false, misleading or unsubstantiated."

Spitzer said the National Collector's Mint, based in Port Chester, N.Y., claims the coins engraved with "In God We Trust" are legally authorized silver dollars, when they aren't.

He said the coin advertised as nearly pure silver is only silver plated, produced by a Wyoming company called SoftSky Inc.

The TV and print ads include one fashioned after a news story that reads: "Today, history is being made. For the first time ever, a legally authorized government issue silver dollar has been struck to commemorate the World Trade Center and the new Freedom Tower being erected in its place ... Most importantly, each coin has been created using .999 pure silver recovered from ground zero!"

The dollar pieces are priced at $39 each, but sold at $19.95 with a limit of five per customer.

A company spokesman didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. On Sept. 10, the U.S. Mint issued a notice on its Web site that the coin "is not a legally authorized government issued" product.

The temporary halt on sales is pending a civil suit filed by Spitzer in state Supreme Court. Spitzer seeks civil penalties, restitution to those who bought the coins, greater consumer disclosure and full disclosure that the coins aren't endorsed by the federal government.

The company sells a variety of novelty coins, including those with characters from the "Harry Potter" books and movies.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Its been a few days since I posted. Oops. I have been busy and haven't been able to post. Sorry about that.

For anyone who cares, check out this guy. He is running for Congress in NJ and he has a pretty good story. I first saw him a while back, and just saw him again on CNN. Basically, this guy was on Wall Street when 9-11 happened. His sense of duty and honor led him back into the military. He served in Iraq and the middle east, then cam home very disillusioned with the way things were going. He felt his leaders lied to him and to his fellow troops and hadn't planned well for the war or the peace. So, in a primarily Republican district, he is running for Congress.

As a Democrat.

He was a loyal lifelong Republican when he went to Iraq, but because of the treatment of the soldiers on the ground and the way things were going with the leaders in Washington, he switched parties.

Anyway, go check him out. Like I said, it is an interesting story.

On a side note, it looks like the Supreme Court has taken on the case involving the legality of religious things on federal and state properties. The ol "separation of church and state" thing. This should be interesting to say the least.

That is if they can get Scalia back from one of his wild sex orgies.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Kinda funny

A couple of months ago, Chick-Fila employees started saying "Its been a pleasure to serve you" or something to that effect when they give you your food. The first couple of times, I didnt even think twice about it. I mean, when you want nuggets, nothing really matters beyond that. But then I started to notice it more. It really struck me as funny. I mean, it is obviously one of those corporate things that companies make their employees say. Nothing wrong with that I guess.

But I decided to throw a monkey wrench at them. So, ever time I go to Chick-Fila now, and the person serving me says that line, I respond "No it hasnt, and you know it" or "Was it really? I mean...come on? I though overall it sucked" or something to that effect.

Man its fun watching them trying to figure out how to respond. I know I am being mean, but hell, I work in retail, so I think I'm entitled. We have a few things we are supposed to say when we help people at work, and if someone said something like that to me, I would crack up.

People just simply take life too seriously. I guess I usually don't. I'm just happy to be alive.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Deformed fish found near treatment plants

Great little article I found online that I had to share. For some reason, the last line just strikes me as funny. I dunno why.... And how often have you seen "deformed white suckers" and "discharge" in the same sentence and it not been considered "dirty"?

Oct. 4, 2004 DENVER (AP) -- Fish with both male and female sex tissue have been discovered near Colorado wastewater treatment plants on the South Platte River and Boulder Creek. Scientists are trying to determine if chemicals that disrupt hormones, such as estrogen, are responsible for the gender-bending phenomenon, The Denver Post reported Sunday.

Colorado biologist John Woodling discovered the deformed white suckers about two years ago near two wastewater discharge pipes. Female fish also far outnumber the male fish near the plants. "This is the first thing that I've seen as a scientist that really scared me," said Woodling, 58, a retired fisheries biologist with the Colorado Division of Wildlife who is now working with the University of Colorado.

Scientists haven't pinpointed which chemicals might be causing the deformities, but endocrine disrupters that mimic or disrupt hormones, especially estrogen, are a leading suspect.
Such chemicals are believed to come from excreted birth-control hormones, natural female hormones and commonly used detergents that are flushed down toilets and drains.
"We're all concerned about it," said Barbara Biggs, Metro Wastewater Reclamation District's governmental officer. "We don't want to leap to any conclusions yet. There are a lot of estrogen sources in the environment."

A lot of estrogen sources in the environment? WTF? Makes you not want to go camping.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

A challenge

The other day at work, I made a comment about some of the stuff in my blog. One of the people I work with made the comment that most of the time I just copy/paste from another website and make a few comments. I admit I do this, basically because I want to use my blog as a place to get information that you might have missed while surfing around.

But that comment and a few others did get me thinking about something. I have three publishing credits, all in role playing books, and I have done a decent amount of writing for other things over the past years. I think I want to write more. Maybe a short story at first, that grows into something bigger. Maybe a poem. poems. Maybe just a chapter from a book that I will write in the future. I dunno....but I definitely want to write something.

And I think I will. I'll keep you updated.

I read in People that Kevin Federline aka Mr. Britney Spears took his first shopping trip since he got hitched. Ironically using a credit card produced for him by one of Brit's bodyguards (wow...I'm shocked!!!). Anyway, here is Mr. Spears, newly married to a girl worth well over 40 million bucks, out on his first shopping blitz. Just think of the options for this young in love. So many little time.

So, he goes and buys some ammo, a gun cleaning kit, some cardboard targets and a few other gun related things (hmmm....wonder if anyone is worried about his shopping list). And where does he get these all important items from???


His first shopping trip is to WallyWorld.

Dude...really...that's the best you could come up with?

Friday, October 01, 2004


Here's a little tidbit about something said at the debate last night. Hope you like it.

Twice during Thursday night's debate President Bush proclaimed that Iraq now has 100,000 of its own troops ready to protect the country, and that the number will go to 125K by the end of the year, and 200K the following. Sounds like great news -- but it's not accurate.

According to the Department of Defense's own documents, obtained by Reuters, "only about 53,000 of the 100,000 Iraqis on duty now have undergone training."

Moreover, "of the nearly 90,000 currently in the [Iraqi] police force, only 8,169 have had the full eight-week academy training. Another 46,176 are listed as 'untrained,' and it will be July 2006 before the administration reaches its new goal of a 135,000-strong, fully trained police force.

"Six Army battalions have had 'initial training,' while 57 National Guard battalions, 896 soldiers in each, are still being recruited or 'awaiting equipment.' Just eight Guard battalions have reached 'initial (operating) capability,' and the Pentagon acknowledged the Guard's performance has been 'uneven.'"


Great debate tonight. I think it was a little less "scripted" than it seemed like it may turn into, which is a good thing. I saw this posted on another website, and I thought it was a good line that would have sounded good tonight.

"I realize I get a lot of flack for making issues sound somewhat complicated. Certainly more complicated than my opponent. But if the issues were as simple as he makes them out to be, then frankly, anybody could do this job."

Can you imagine if Kerry had said that. Man that would have been great. Might not have went over well...but it would have sounded great.

Im definitely looking forward to the Vice-Presidential debate on Tuesday more than I was before. Bush wasnt really "on the offensive" tonight, so you can lay money on it that Cheney will be. Should be great television.

Now to something that bugs me. Have any of you seen that commercial for the dollar silver coin with the Freedom Tower on one side and the Twin Towers on the other? The one where they say it was made frrm silver recovered from the actual site of the devastation in New York; from a bank vault buried in the rubble. Am I the only one that has the hair on the back of my neck stand on end when this commercial comes on?
