Monday, October 24, 2005


God I'm depressed.

I feel like every decision I make lately just turns out to be the wrong one.

Oh well.

I did buy some new D&D dice the other day. Four sets. Might seem a bit much but I like dice.

More later...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Yea, I know...

I havent posted in a while. There were even rumors of my untimely demise.

Nope, I am still alive and kicking.

So, where to begin? Well...

The house is on hold for the moment. We have hit a snag with the pre-appraisal. We think it should be higher, and need it to be, and the appraiser doesnt think so. So is life I guess.

My official last day as an Assistant is this Saturday. Well, I am off Thursday thru Sunday, so I guess Wednesday is technically my last day. I stepped down so I would have more time so I could run the construction of my house, which has now been put on hold, but I of course cant withdraw my demotion now since others have already been told about promotions and stuff. So, I am a part-timer now. Again, so is life I guess.

I am actually thinking of getting back into writing again. Not that I was "in" it to begin with, but a while ago I did dabble a bit. I actually have a few publishing credits in the RPG field, which although not extremely great, is kinda neat I guess. I have been thinking of a few possible things that I could write, which I will comment on at a later date.

I guess thats all for now. I definitely have more stuff to post, but I think I'll cut it short this fine eve. One of my new favs, Rome, just came on and I think I'll go watch it.

More later....