Thursday, January 27, 2005

Cocks and Muffs

Dont we have other things more important to worry about than this:

Senator wants boxing gloves on chickens

A state senator has a plan for saving Oklahoma's gamefowl industry now that cockfighters are legally prohibited from pitting birds fitted with razor-like spurs.

State Sen. Frank Shurden, a longtime defender of cockfighting, is suggesting that roosters be given little boxing gloves so they can fight without bloodshed.

"Who's going to object to chickens fighting like humans do? Everybody wins," Sen. Frank Shurden said.

Oklahoma voters banned cockfighting in 2002. The practice is still legal in Louisiana and New Mexico.

In his search for a new way to let gamecocks fight, Shurden learned about a California man who is an attorney for Gamecock Boxing Inc., which was formed to promote a nonlethal form of cockfighting.

"The company has a patent now pending on this game and the equipment designed to score the 'hits' of these sparring live gamefowl," Californian John R. Cogorno wrote in a letter to Shurden.
Shurden said electronic sensors can record the number of hits by each gamefowl to determine which rooster won the boxing match. Gamecocks would wear sparring muffs, which are padded gloves placed over their natural spurs.

"To me it answers everything. It saves the industry, takes blood sport out and generates revenue for Oklahoma," Shurden said.

Ok, I dont think it answers everything. I think this question still remains: What the hell is wrong with these people? Cockfighting? WTF? that was three questions, but still. Cockfighting with little boxing gloves?

And then people wonder why the rest of the world looks down at America now. Geesh....

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Catching up with the News

"Seeking to build support among black families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid a prominent black pundit $240,000 to promote the law on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalists to do the same.The campaign, part of an effort to promote No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required commentator Armstrong Williams 'to regularly comment on NCLB during the course of his broadcasts,' and to interview Education Secretary Rod Paige for TV and radio spots that aired during the show in 2004.Williams said Thursday he understands that critics could find the arrangement unethical, but 'I wanted to do it because it's something I believe in.'The top Democrat on the House Education Committee, Rep. George Miller of California, called the contract 'a very questionable use of taxpayers' money' that is 'probably illegal.' He said he will ask his Republican counterpart to join him in requesting an investigation..."

I know this information has been going around for awhile, with everyone and their brother making a comment about it, so I figured I would too.

I say a hearty Congrats to Mr. Williams for his actions. I know this comes as a shock to anyone who has read anything on this blog, but seriously, Congrats!!!

Mr. Williams was already a rabid conservative who supported everything this administration has done without question. Very loyal, like others in the media who dont seem to question anything they do. Then the Education depatment rings him up:

ED: Mr. Williams?
AW: Yes, this is ultra conservative journalist Armstrong Williams.
ED: We want you to push the No Child Left Behind thing. We need some help on this in the black sector.
AW: Well, I was already plan....uhhh...I dunno. That might seem inapropriate, me trying to push something like this to my "brothers" and "sistas". Now, if you could find someway to "ease" my mind on this...
ED: We will pay you $240,000.
AW: Hmmm....No Child Left Behind is the greatest!!! I love this program!!!

He was already going to push the thing anyway, at least based on his views. This way, he gets a little help from the taxpayers. Now, seriously, what could be wrong with that?

Of course I'm kidding. I dont know why this comes as such a surprise to anyone. Do we really think he is the only one that ever got paid by this administration to push propaganda about something. WMD? Iraq? Kerry? Social Security?


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Smart Horse

I saw this while surfing, and at first I was stunned and didnt know what to say. Then I read the last line and I couldnt help but laugh my ass off. I know, I'm evil. Oh well, everyone has to have a hobby.

CHARDON, Ohio - A 17-year-old Amish boy is dead in Ohio, after being electrocuted while trying to untangle a power line that had gotten snagged in the wheels of his buggy.

The Amish are a deeply religious group who shun modern conveniences, including electricity.

The boy's horse-drawn buggy ran over the 48-hundred-volt power line yesterday. The line had sagged down across the road in a community east of Cleveland.

The boy was killed when he got out and grabbed it. The horse wasn't hurt.

I mean I know the Amish shun modern things, like electricity, as the article states, but damn man. Even they should know not to touch a power line, if for no other reason then it is the tool of the devil or something like that.

Obviously, the horse got the memo about power lines.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Good Lord its been a while

Wow. I was sitting here at the computer wondering what on my long list of things to do I should tackle next, when I surfed by here and thought "Good Lord its been a while". Damn time really does fly like a mofo doesnt it?

Can someone please explain to me how standing up and drawing attention to voting irregularities and pushing for voting reforms so people wont have to stand in line 9 hours to vote "helps the terrorists" and "degrades our democracy", cause I would really like to know. Of course I am talking about the situation that arose when the electors from Ohio were challenged during the certification process.

While a good deal of Democrats were drawing attention to the issues at hand, and trying to get the point across that this should be a top priority, the Republicans were telling them to "get over it" "the election is over" "your actions are helping the terrorists" and other great comments like that. Yea...ok.

The place where I voted had three voting machines and services about 1000 primarily white Republican people. There were places in Ohio that had three voting machines that were servicing about 6000-8000 primarily Democratic black people. I have read other stories and talked with people I know from Ohio about standing in line for 4-6 hours to vote. 4-6 hours. Most people, although they wanted to vote, probably didnt for that specific reason. How many didnt we will never know. Which is why attention should be given to these problems. before we have to vote again maybe. Seems like a good idea to me. Then again, good common sense ideas and this administration dont really go together now do they?

"Hey, did you see that. They are challenging the electors from Ohio, holding up the final tally. We have won!! Democracy be damned!!"

Yea...thats what the terrorists are saying David Dreier, you freaking idiot. How do people like this even get elected? J.D. Hayworth? Tom Delay? I just dunno......

In other news, the RPG publishing company I helped start is moving right along. So instead of watching the fantasyland that is the US Congress and Washington DC, I help publish real fantasy for Role Playing fans. We have a lot of big plans for 2005, and a lot of hard work ahead of us. Stay tuned for more on that front.

Got some big things in the works on the personal front. 2005 looks to big a big year for my family as well. More on that later.

Till next time.....