Catching up with the News
"Seeking to build support among black families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid a prominent black pundit $240,000 to promote the law on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalists to do the same.The campaign, part of an effort to promote No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required commentator Armstrong Williams 'to regularly comment on NCLB during the course of his broadcasts,' and to interview Education Secretary Rod Paige for TV and radio spots that aired during the show in 2004.Williams said Thursday he understands that critics could find the arrangement unethical, but 'I wanted to do it because it's something I believe in.'The top Democrat on the House Education Committee, Rep. George Miller of California, called the contract 'a very questionable use of taxpayers' money' that is 'probably illegal.' He said he will ask his Republican counterpart to join him in requesting an investigation..."
I know this information has been going around for awhile, with everyone and their brother making a comment about it, so I figured I would too.
I say a hearty Congrats to Mr. Williams for his actions. I know this comes as a shock to anyone who has read anything on this blog, but seriously, Congrats!!!
Mr. Williams was already a rabid conservative who supported everything this administration has done without question. Very loyal, like others in the media who dont seem to question anything they do. Then the Education depatment rings him up:
ED: Mr. Williams?
AW: Yes, this is ultra conservative journalist Armstrong Williams.
ED: We want you to push the No Child Left Behind thing. We need some help on this in the black sector.
AW: Well, I was already plan....uhhh...I dunno. That might seem inapropriate, me trying to push something like this to my "brothers" and "sistas". Now, if you could find someway to "ease" my mind on this...
ED: We will pay you $240,000.
AW: Hmmm....No Child Left Behind is the greatest!!! I love this program!!!
He was already going to push the thing anyway, at least based on his views. This way, he gets a little help from the taxpayers. Now, seriously, what could be wrong with that?
Of course I'm kidding. I dont know why this comes as such a surprise to anyone. Do we really think he is the only one that ever got paid by this administration to push propaganda about something. WMD? Iraq? Kerry? Social Security?
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