I have to say that after the past few weeks, Im exhausted. Of course its the holiday season, so I have been busy with work, however, I have also been sick. I have pretty much been fighting this sickness since before Thanksgiving, and it hit me hardest last week when I was forced to miss several days of work. I hated doing it, but better to stay home and get better than go to work and spread the sickness.
I really dont have a lot to say.
I am really tired of hearing the President talk about "his mandate" and what that allows him to do. 51% does not make a mandate. Another 100,000 votes the other way in Ohio, which we still arent sure isnt there anyway, and he isnt President. You know what I want for Christmas...a day when I dont see him on TV touting his freaking "mandate". Geesh.
Isnt it funny that the National Guard isnt hitting its recruitement and retention goals? Wow...now thats shocking to say the least. Because of this fact, they have decided to "put their money where their mouth is". Bonuses are going to be increased. New guards bonuses will increase from $6000 to $10000. If you are already in the Guard and decide to stay, you get $15000 now instead of $5000. Of course, the solution to the Guard's problems has to do with the fact that the bonuses arent big enough. Yea...thats it.
Tell that to the thousands and thousands of soldiers that have been flown home with missing limbs or worse. That $10000 will come in handy. Yea...thats a real bonus.
Yea...I agree. Sadly though, it seems that he just won an election, so we have he and Dick for 4 more big ones....ack. And, he just won Time's Man of the Year to put icing on his cupcake of right wing love.
What the hell has happened to this country? I mean, really. Do people in general really not pay THAT much attention to stuff around them to see what is going on? Geesh....
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