Saturday, February 26, 2005

Hey...Im still alive!!!

Its been a long time since I posted, and I really dont have a lot to comment on this time either. But I was just watching Real Time with Bill Maher, and he made a comment that was really good. He was discussing the supposed "Hollywood Values" that are always thrown out in the news to show how Hollywood is out of touch with America. His comment was right on target.

"America, Hollywood isnt your cesspool. Its your mirror"

How true is that? Would Hollywood keep making the same violence strewn and sex crazed flicks if people didnt go see them? Even Passion of the Christ was full of violence from beginning to end, and it got rave reviews from moviegoers.

Is "Hollywood" just a reflection of the hate filled, violence addicted, sex crazed, predjudiced, racist, intolerant, war happy, bullying nation that we are?

Could be....

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

You mean they were lying? Whaaaa.....?

The news came out that the Medicare drug benefit is actually going to cost almost double what the White House had original "claimed" it was going to cost.

Wow. Should we be surprised? From this White House?

I mean, come on. They told us Iraq was a threat and they had massive amounts of WMD. And we found that they wait. Sorry about that.

Social Security is in dire crisis. Oh lord...we have to save wait. Oops again.

Jeff Gannon is a real journalist asking the tough questions. No wait....that's not right.

We support our troops. They have the best wait. We go with the Army we have. Thats right.

Programs that are not effective will be cut. Worthless programs like veterans benefits, Upward Bound, Medicaid, heating oil assistance for low income people, and other drags on our budget. Its ok though...cause Abstinence programs get a boost. Cause they work soooooo well.

On and on and on.......

And yet....we still have these jokers in the big house.

Give me a break.