Monday, September 06, 2004

Nothing to say

Not a whole lot going on today. Sleep, eat, work, relax...same ol same ol as they say.

The Unfit for Command demand has calmed down a bit at the store. First, we couldn't get the book in the store; now we cant sell it. Demand has dropped sharply in the past week. Maybe since it isn't featured in every other news story on TV, people have stopped worrying about it. I dunno.

I read a great book today while I was on lunch. Birth of a Nation: A Comic Novel by Aaron McGruder and Reginald Hudlin and illustrated by Kyle Baker is a humor filled hardback graphic novel that details a section of St. Louis that secedes from the US and forms its own nation. It is a great quick read and I highly recommend it to all. If you are a fan of the Boondocks comic strip, you will love this book.

President Clinton seems to have made it through his heart surgery ok. Great news there. Its kinda funny that the former president gets to experience the health care system in the US first hand and maybe see some of what the rest of the country gets to see everyday. Then again, he is a former president, so I imagine his experience isn't quite the same. I once slept on the cold floor in my dad's room cause we couldn't afford a long hotel stay. I highly doubt Hillary is doing that.

Why is it that no matter where you are in a house, if there is a fly in that house, it will find you and annoy the living hell out of you?


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