Monday, August 30, 2004

Well...It's over

Well, the Olympics finished up today. It was a mixed bag for the Americans, as some favorites didn't do as they were expected, but others stepped up and met the challenge. I guess that's the way it goes.

The biggest news was the lack of a terrorist attack on the Games. That's always good news, especially to everyone involved with the Games. The more I think about it though, the more I am really not surprised. The security was massive from all reports, and maybe that indirectly more than directly helped. What would you attack if given a choice in planning: a huge event with massive security involving a large portion of the countries in the world or some weaker target? So I guess the question is whether there were no attacks because of the difficulty and consequences of such an attack or because they just simply have other easier targets in mind. Either way, no attacks is a good thing, no matter the reason.

With the end of the Games comes the beginning of the Republican Convention in New York. Being a political junkie as I am, this is good news. Whether I agree with the politics or not, I like watching the coverage of the conventions. Especially Hardball with Chris Matthews. Always a good show with informed guests and pundits. Plus, with all the protesters outside, you can pretty much bet money something will be on fire somewhere.

Working in a bookstore, I get the chance to read magazines and books frequently, probably more than the average person on the street. If you have the time, check out these great articles that I came across:

The Curse of Dick Cheney in the latest Rolling Stone (the one with Michael Moore on the front)
Machine Politics in September's Playboy (the Olympic issue with Amy Acuff)

Without giving too much away, the first one is a background piece on Cheney and how some things seem to connect in his life. The second one is about the voting reforms that were put into place after the 2000 election and how because of them, the 2004 election may be worse. Two great reads for anyone interested.

Well, my kids start back to school in two days. One is going off to 1st grade; the other 5th grade. I have mixed emotions about this. I'm sad to see the summer end and will miss having them around the house but, I also need a break from having them around the house. Oh well, I guess you just get used to it after a while.

Some questions that ran through my head today while I was cutting grass:

Why is the "have a beer with" factor even asked about in a national election? It's not like you will ever get to actually have a beer with the President.

With all the research and reports and studies that show how bad smoking is, why do people still light up the first time?

Why do people stare at you when you do normal everyday activities like cutting grass? Is it really that interesting or weird?

Shouldn't golf be in the Olympics? It is a pretty popular sport worldwide.

Well, back to work tomorrow. Wonder if we will get any Unfit for Command? Probably not....


At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say that the main reason there wasn't a terrorist attack at the Olympics was that the Olympics don't make a very good target. The last thing the terrorists want to do is anger some of the fence-sitting nations by blowing up their soccer teams!

I think the Republican convention might be safe too since you'd likely kill about 10 times as many anti-war protests as genuine Republicans.

Aaron from Texas

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Rabid Gerbil said...

Yea, thats what I was thinking too. What kind of target does the Olympics make when you would probably piss off the rest of the world that isnt completely "onboard" the whole war of Terror thing. Thats a good way to get them onboard for sure.


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