Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Moving Right Along

Well, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this blogging thing. Got a few posts under my belt now, and it feels good.

The first night of the Republican Convention has wrapped up and I still say MSNBC has the best coverage. Great guests, even handed reporting and a lively atmosphere makes em great. Keep up the wonderful job folks.

I keep hearing how President Bush is "decisive" and "steady leadership" and "if he says it or believes it, you know he will do it". John Kerry is "wishy washy" and a "flip-flopper". Those things may describe both candidates, and is ultimately up to you to decide which ones you agree with. My question is this: Is being decisive more important than ultimately being right?

I am a manager in retail and I have to make decisions everyday that affect my store, employees and customers. If a situation arises that I need to address, is it better for all involved that I make a decision on the spot and stick by it no matter what? Or should I wait, research the issue and then make a decision based on the information I have? If something involved in the situation changes later on, should I stick by my original decision whether it was right or wrong, or look at the new information and adjust my position? I know what I do at work, but I was wondering what others think on the matter.

Like I have said before, I work in a bookstore. I love my job and get a real level of enjoyment out of helping people find what they need. But every once in a while, a customer comes in that you honestly have to wonder if they are serious or not. I had a lady the other day ask me where the Non-Fiction section was. Hoping to clarify, I said that was a pretty wide topic and if she was looking for anything in particular. She responded no, so I said in the nicest way possible that our Non-Fiction was broken down by particular headings, like History, Science, etc.

So she replied, "Hey, that's a pretty good idea. I'll have to check that out." Then she walked away. I just shrugged and went about my normal business. A little while later, I saw the same lady standing over next to our Fiction wall, so I decided to check up on her to make sure everything was ok. I asked her if she found everything ok or if she needed anymore help.

She responded, "Nope. I found what I was looking for. I love Stephen King. He always has a good take on the events of the world." She was holding the latest King novel in her hand, and I was trying to figure out if she was serious. One of those events in your life when you feel like you are looking down on yourself in that situation waiting to see what you do.

I responded,"Umm...Ok. Stephen King is a good writer and tells some great stories for sure. I thought you were looking for Non-Fiction though?"

And then she said what I knew deep down she was going to. "I was. I found it right here," hoisting her King book up.

I just shook my head and walked away, comforted in the knowledge that this was an American voter. A voter that couldn't figure out that the stuff in Stephen King's books ISN'T REAL!!!! In the words of a famous guy... Good Grief!!!

Then again, we get one of those customers about once a day. After a while, you just get used to them. But sometimes, one just stands out to you. Ding Ding Ding Stephen King lady....you win this time.

Then again, she was quite decisive about her choice. Who am I to argue with that?


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