Well, its been a bit since I last posted, and in that time, there has been some progress on the ol house. I'm not really familiar with how long it normally takes to build a house and how fast certain things get finished, but it seems to me that things are moving along at a good rate. Here are some pics:
Here was the picture we took on Christmas Day. We figured that it would be a good time to go out and take a look, sinec no one would be working on that day. The only things that have been done in this picture are the staking of the corners and preliminary work on the trenches. Here is another:
That picture is of the trench and rebar for the front of the house. The next step was pouring the footers, which we thought would be delayed due to the weather. I guess they got them poured at just the right time, because they were in on the 27th. Although we rode out and checked up on the progress every day, we really didnt get a chance to click more pics till the other day. Here they are:
So, over the course of less than a week, we went from trenches to foundation walls. Not too shabby I must say. I keep looking at the size of the foundation and thinking that the house is going to be small. Then I look again, and think that it is going to be huge. Then I realize it is really hard to judge the size of a house by just the Cant wait for some framing to begin to get a better idea.
Then again, at the rate they are going, that should be happening sometime next week.
Looks like it's coming along nicely, Warren. Pretty exciting, eh?
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!
You all truly deserve a great house.
(I tried to post a comment earlier, but was not allowed. Whaaa!)
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